10 Family-Friendly Movies to Help You Celebrate Halloween

October is a lovely month for many reasons. One of those reasons is that we have an excuse to celebrate Halloween all month long! Many of us like to watch blood-chilling horror films that leave us clinging to our loved ones, not to mention spilling popcorn everywhere when we jump during the scary parts. (And by scary I mean that part where the main character opens a cabinet in the bathroom, and then you jump because you’re led to believe something creepy will appear in the mirror’s reflection.)

Other times, however, we like to watch movies that are fun for the whole family. (They’re also great for adults who would rather avoid the nightmares). That’s one of the great things about this holiday. It doesn’t have to be scary for you to enjoy it.

And so, here is a list of 10 family-friendly movies that are perfect for Halloween:

1. The Nightmare Before Christmas
2. Hocus Pocus
3. Halloweentown High
4. Casper Meets Wendy
5. Monster House
6. Addams Family Values
7. Corpse Bride
8. It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
9. Frankenweenie
10. Hotel Transylvania

I hope you enjoy this list and that you celebrate all month long. May you be safe, spend time with your loved ones, and express yourself in a way that is fun for you.


#Halloween, movies, pop culture

The End Of A Journey

The end of a journey is like a brick wall

That hides a secret passageway

It seems stone cold and unyielding

But it hides a new day; a new crack of sunlight


But one only needs to knock

To be embraced by opportunity

And to step lightly on this brand new path

While armed with the wisdom of one’s past.


-Ashley Lilly
