I made a list of ten gorgeous destinations for a digital detox :)

Which one is your favorite? ❤

Here Are The 10 Best Destinations For A Digital Detox ~ Time To Unplug

When it comes to taking a break from technology, sometimes a change of scenery is just the thing you need. These locations are sure to give you time to relax and unplug. Here Are The 10 Best Destinations For A Digital Detox ~ Time To Unplug

By: Ashley Tiara Lilly

The internet can be an amazing thing. With one click, you can connect with people from all over the world, stay caught up on the latest news, or order that new pair of Jimmy Choo’s you’ve been wanting. It’s important to take a break from technology, too, but this can be a challenge when it’s so integrated into the way we work and keep in touch. Sometimes the perfect way to find balance is to find a relaxing getaway, and this list will help you to do just that. Here are ten of the best locations to visit for a digital detox:

Bled, Slovenia

Take a break from your laptop and travel to this gorgeous resort town in Central Europe. The breathtaking view of Lake Bled is sure to clear your mind and refresh your spirit. You’ll also want to explore Bled Castle and Adventure Park.


Bled, Slovenia for a digital Detox

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